It is a great pleasure to be invited to conduct a ceremony, which honours and acknowledges enduring love.
If you would like me to create something beautiful and meaningful to honour your enduring love I will be delighted to write your love story in your personalised Vow Renewal.
Below is a sample ceremony I developed for a couple who were celebrating the important triumphs of their relationship and the fortitude of a relationship which has stood the test of time.
__ and __ have asked if we could all take a moment to honour __’s Mum and those who have had a profound influence on their lives but could not be here today. Although they are not with us physically, they are here in spirit along side __ and __, blessing them on this beautiful day, giving everyone here life, strength and love.
Helen Keller once said ‘the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched… but are felt in the heart.’
Good evening, I am Mary Ord and on behalf of __ and __ a very special and warm welcome to you all. How wonderful that we are able to conduct this ceremony in __ and __’s new home, just as this ceremony is symbolic of new beginnings and recognising the past which has bought them to this moment in time, so too, this new home recognises a life time of hard work and vision.
We are here tonight to celebrate __ and __’s union and to honour their commitment: not just at gazing at one another, but looking outward, together, in the same direction.
Today __ and __ proclaim their love to the world and we rejoice with them.
In a relationship we give ourselves freely and generously into the hands of the one we love, and in doing so, each of us receives the love and trust of the other as a most precious gift.
The recognition of love defies explanation; it grabs the very soul. A mutual warmth emanates and a need to share each moment, every special hour and day in each other’s presence, until this feeling saturates every purpose. To love in one’s lifetime is to receive a little glimpse of heaven. To love is to follow a rainbow with someone to a special place where you need not pretend, where you can be yourself. __ and __ have always shared open communication, expressed love freely and offered support even when it may have felt easier not too. They have shared 28 years of inseparable partnership where they have held each other above themselves and in the highest esteem.
But even as two people in love share that gift, it also touches the friends and family members who in various ways support and contribute to the relationship.
All of you are __ and __’s communityand each of you has played some part in bringing them together to this moment. This is why gathering as a community is such an important part of this blessing ceremony. Each of you are important to __ and __’s and they thank you for being here tonight- they are delighted by your presence and your warm embrace of this ceremony. Their request is simple that you all endeavor to rejoice and celebrate with them, the recognition of their past journey and their commencement into the future, a wonderful future rich in love, comfort and peace.
This loving vow renewal is not entered into lightly, but is a simple reflection of the sincerity and devotion which __ and __share. From the moment they met __ and __ knew they belonged together, not only as individuals but the clan of children, which they each had. __ and __ belonged together but so did the children, they didn’t just marry each other they created a family unit bonded by love, support and respect.
(Speaking to the children)__ and __ would like to take this time to express to all their children the deep love and regard they have for you. They want you to know that you have been and always will be an important part of their lives and that this reaffirmation of their love and respect for each other is also a confirmation that you are all an intrinsic part of this union.
You are a family drawn together by love and will be held together by devotion.
Your happy marriage has enabled us to live independent, confident lives and establish homes of our own where there is love and stability.
We are happy and successful people because you have not only taught us through your actions and as role models but because you have lived your lives openly and honestly and with complete love for us. Your arms will always be our home.
Mary: __ and __ will you continue to:
Be honest with each other
Be mindful of each other’s needs
Continue supporting each other in the pursuit of harmony
Commit to keeping your sacred marriage alive even when times get tough
Keep love burning with both kindness and caring actions
__ and __: we will
Please face each other and hold hands. Holding hands is important as you go through life together because it is what the hands do in life which, express love.
Mary: ——, on the day of your Wedding you were asked to vow your lasting love for, and your fidelity to —–. Today I ask, will you before me, and these your family and friends, re-affirm those vows.
–—-: I will
—-: I —- —-, reaffirm that I took you —– —– to be my lawful wife at Quaker’s Hill 24 years ago, to have and to hold from that day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, I will love you and honour you for all the days of my life. Today I re-affirm these vows and commit to you that I will work towards a continued happy and contented life for both of us and our children.
Mary: —, on the day of your Wedding you were asked to vow your lasting love for, and your fidelity to —-. Today I ask, will you before me, and these your family and friends, re-affirm those vows.
—-: I will
—-: I —- —, reaffirm that I took you —- —- to be my lawful husband at Quaker’s Hill 24 years ago, to have and to hold from that day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, I will love you and honour you for all the days of my life. Today I re-affirm these vows and commit to you that I will work towards a continued happy and contented life for both of us and our children.
May I please have the rings.
The roundness of these rings betokens the endlessness of your love. Their pure metal speaks of the purity of your love and their value reminds us that we should defend and protect that which we hold as most valuable in our life.
—– as you place this ring, a visible sign of your commitment to marriage, on the third finger, please repeat after me.
Mary/—-: —–, this ring I gave you on the day, which we were wed; keep it and wear it as a pledge of my lasting love as a symbol of all we share.
Mary/—-: —–, this ring I gave you on the day, which we were wed; keep it and wear it as a pledge of my lasting love as a symbol of all we share.
—- and —- continue to wear these rings with love and with honour.
Ladies and Gentlemen that concludes the formal part of this ceremony, which honours these two people as they celebrate their love and devotion to each other At this point I would like to take this opportunity to thank —-and —- for inviting me to be a part of this special occasion.
They would like to thank you all for your love and support that has nurtured, challenged and supported them throughout their lives.
They deeply appreciate the care, laughter and love so on behalf of —-and —- I thank everyone for making the effort to be here today.
Will you, having witnessed their renewal of vows today, do all in your power to support and uphold this marriage in the years ahead?
Guests: We will
In this sacred vow ceremony, —-and —- have pledged to continue on their bonded path, may their love, happiness and understanding grow together in strength now and always.
Please join with me to congratulate —-and —-.